Wednesday, March 4, 2015

David and Goliath is a beautiful and wonderful story that has been told for over 4000 years (1st Samuel 17:26- ), this story has motivated many, caused many to rise above their situations, lent wisdom to the low that bravery or armory that wins a war is not in the sophistication of it or the readiness of it but in the might of Jehovah!
King David himself was made popular by the very act and the bible recollects songs were sang because of this defeat that Goliath suffered in the hands of a small 17 year old Jewish boy ( 1st Samuel 18:7). It was because of this event that Saul the king of Israel asked who David was.
But today the focus is not on David but on the instrument with which he achieved this great and enviable success. A stone and a sling (1st Samuel 17:40) a very odd combination to fight the enemy that had caused the whole Israel fear for months! But all he chose was five smooth stones by the side of the brooks! These stones are pebbles formed by the abrasive contact of water and other sea materials, when they come in contact with a rock! This rock through sheer friction and force from the water and other materials in the river is broken, moved from place to place, tossed and rubbed against by hard hitting forces before it settles to where David picked it! So yes for the stone or pebble to be used by David to slay Goliath it went through a process and not a very easy or nice process it went through an abrasive smoothening process where it was tossed back and forth by the waves and tides. Even when it was chosen it was picked alongside five others! When it was finally selected for the job it was put in the sling and swirled around swooshed in a manner that only that rock could have been swooshed to attain the right momentum! And finally it was released! And because of all its process and the purpose of God for it, the stone of David hit with precision, with accuracy the mark that was set before it! Goliath’s head! That singular stone guided by the hand of God delivered Israel out of the hands of the philistines!      
This stone can be used to represent a lot of Christians and what they go through today! They are formed through the furnace of trials, tossed and seemingly uncomforted (Isaiah 54:11), they are trimmed to size to function in a precise and accurate pattern. That in eventuality when they are released like the stone of David they might be twirled and twisted round but will hit the mark perfectly.

The stone of David may not have as much popularity as the wielder, but it is written in the course of history as the stone that brought down a great enemy of Israel! Who you are by the brooks is nothing, it is WHO YOU ARE IN THE HANDS OF HE WHO WIELDS YOU that matters. 

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