Wednesday, March 4, 2015

As I lay on my bed dreaming of a flat tummy, again I hissed as I wondered why I had to punish myself with my money in the gym! But I realized that no matter how many times I hissed or looked at my tummy in the mirror Marggies helping hands (the name of my gym) was getting richer and I was getting fatter!
So I got up and I put on my NIKE everything (a girl’s got to feel serious!) and off I went to the place of punishment! So I get there and thank God there were only a few people there, I jumped on my favorite thread mill and started a static jog. Thirty minutes later and I was almost fainting but according to the thread mill indicator I had burnt 400 calories therefore it was time to deal with the trouble spots!
I go to this intimidating monstrous equipment called total gym and I do all my squats, arm pushes, sit ups, stomach crunches and leg raises and as I was doing it I kept yelling Mandela! Mandela! Mandela!!! My trainer looked at me and asked “Miss Jay what is going on? And as I finished I said to him in between gasps, Mandela did not get to have all that recognition without some pain! He smiled I am sure thinking to himself kolomental! And to that thought I said to myself “na him sabi”
That is how I passed another day at the gym and thanked God for the ability to care for the temple he has given me.
1st Corinthians 3: 16-17 do you know that your body is the temple of God and that the spirit of God dwells in you? For anyone who destroys Gods temple God will destroy, Gods temple is holy and you are that temple.
This verse of the bible I used to think was talking to the drug addicts, the fornicators, people with crazy piercings and tattoos, alcoholics until I realized one day that being unfit and unhealthy due to choices I was making daily was just as bad. Eating too much, eating too little, not sleeping enough, not exercising e.t.c,  Are  just as bad as taking cocaine and cigarettes!  Because they too can cause severe damage to my body and cause me not to finish the work that Jesus charged me to do! Spread the gospel everywhere I can!
This charge doesn’t say we should spend all our lives savings to look good but that we should keep our bodies in tip top condition as much as we can, refuse to put thing in it that is bad and like a car check the inner workings (the engine and wiring) and ensure they are not worn out or need replacement. As someone that carries the resource of heaven we should make it a point of duty to drink more water, exercise even as we do not forget spiritual exercise.  
So along with slimming my waist line, I am being a responsible Christian by caring for this physical temple of God (my body) by staying in shape.


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